Automatic analysis of the quality control for the tested treatment table using high energy planar (anterior and lateral) images (2D-MV)


CONNECTED to the qualimagiq platform, it takes the TABLE module only 2 mouse clicks to analyse all of the dicom images of the otp-plan+ phantom acquired as part of verifying the precision of the treatment table.


These automatic analyses consists of:

  • Detecting in each 2D-MV planar image, the radiopaque balls included in the OTP-PLAN+.
  • Comparing the position of these balls in the image obtained with a table rotation of 0° and a translation of 0 mm, with those obtained at other rotations and translations.
  • Compiling these positions to obtain the following results:

    • Accuracy of the “tilt”, “roll” and isocentric type rotations of the table;

    • Accuracy of lateral, longitudinal and vertical translations of the table;

    • Measurements of the verticality of the vertical translation of the                 table;

    • Measurements of the horizontality of the horizontal (lateral and                 longitudinal) translations of the table.








Less than 30 minutes is all the time you need to perform the entire control: installation of the test object, image acquisition for 15 rotations and translations, analysis, editing of 6 different PDF analysis reports and a trend curve for each tested parameter.


With its version TABLE-6D, this module enables you to optimally fulfil requirements of the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) decision dated 28/02/23 regulating the procedures for quality control of external radiation therapy and radiosurgery devices: point 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of the annex.


The TABLE-4D module is a lightweight version that does not test table rotations.


Associated test object: OTP-PLAN+ from QUALIFORMED



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