May 13, 2019

Our CUBE module provides easy "End to End" control of the automatic patient positioning system on your Linacs

QUALIMAGIQ's CUBE module is essential for evaluating the precision of automatic patient repositioning in Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT).


Many of you already use QUALIMAGIQ’s ISO+ modules to determine the alignment of the isocentres of patient repositioning systems (laser, 2D-KV and CBCT isocentres) on the MV treatment isocentre.


However the quality of automated patient repositioning in IGRT also depends on the precision of both the movements of the treatment table and of the software used to calculate these movements based on the patient images obtained right before treatment.
This is the role our CUBE module is designed to play. Associated with the QUALIMAGIQ software platform It enables you to perform an End-to-End test of your IGRT system.

The CUBE module has been available for the past 5 years for automatic analysis of the images of the PENTA-GUIDE test object from MODUS-QA. For a year now with its enhanced capability it can also handle images originating from our OTP-ISO+ test object, thereby substantially improving the quality of the End-to-End test of the IGRT system.

Our OTP-ISO+ phantom, traditionally associated with our ISO+ modules, can now be used for four distinct purposes:

  • To determine the radiation isocentres of treatment machines;
  • To control the gantry, collimator and table radiation angles;
  • To carry out the « Snooker Cue » test used as a routine test in VMAT;
  •  And now the End-to-End test of the IGRT system as well.

Analysis of the images of QUALIFORMED's OTP-ISO+ phantom 

Analysis of the images of MODUS-QA's PENTA-GUIDE phantom



In practice we should provide QUALIMAGIQ with at least two CBCT acquisitions of the phantom for analysis:

  • The first with the phantom aligned on the isocentre positioning lasers;
  • And the second once the intentionally misaligned phantom has been automatically realigned with the IGRT system and the methods which you use in routine.

We also recommend that you provide QUALIMAGIQ with the CBCT acquisition of the phantom intentionally shifted in the 3 directions in space by given movements of the table. This will enable QUALIMAGIQ to also test the precision of these three movements, a precision which is crucial to the overall quality of the IGRT system.
In addition, you can provide QUALIMAGIQ with 2D-MV or 2D-KV planar images for analysis in order to measure the deviations of these imagers relative to one another and to the CBCT imager, as well as to measure the gantry angles used to produce these planar images.

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