Automates and Organises Quality Assurance in Radiation Therapy and Medical Imaging
The optimal solution to automate CYBERKNIFE® QA combined with a high-energy portable imager

No More radiographic films !
We offer A VERy POWERFUL, COMPLETE AND INDEPENDENT TOOL FOR ANALYSING AND TRACKING THE quality controls (qc) of your cyberknife installation
Our solution for cyberknife quality control is integrated into the practical, ultra-high performing environment of the qualimagiq software platform:
- QUALIMAGIQ offers a simple and fluid workflow: it takes just 2 mouse clicks to obtain an on-screen analysis report, a third click to edit up to 6 different PDF reports of this analysis, with trend curves for each result.
- While remaining fully configurable: QC protocols, analysis methods and reports can all be customised as you see fit.
- Having very practical tools to review all your QC analysis reports and consult the trend curves associated with each result.
Our QUALIMAGIQ-CK solution allows, without film and without a water tank, ultra-rapid QC of the ballistic precision of the beams, their characteristics, and their collimations but also of the kv imagers integrated into the cyberknife. This solution includes:
- A large and precise high-energy (MV) portable imager
- A set of specific and efficient test objects and accessories
- A software component to acquire MV images of the tested beams
- Software component to convert in DICOM, kV images from ACCURAY
- Software modules to automatically analyse MV and kV images
- The high-energy (MV) portable imager, CK-IMAGER
- 1024 x 1024 pixels with 0.2 x 0.2 mm² and 16 bits depth
- Temporal resolution: up to 25 fps
- Energy range: 40 kVp to 15 MVp
- A shielded cover: COVER-TRUE
- A dummy cover for CT-scanner: COVER-DUMMY
- A complete set of test objects and accessories: SLAB-FIDU, SLAB-CUBE, kV-TILT, kV-COPPER, kV-DISTO
The CK-PILOT software module for piloting the aquisition of MV images with the imager CK-IMAGER
- The CK-COLLI software module which automatically analyses the images aquired with our CK-IMAGER in the context of QC of fields collimated by the cones and the iris
- Field size, circularity, symmetry and flatness tests
- Output Factors
- The CK-MLC software module automatically analyses the images acquired with our CK-IMAGER in the context of QC of the MLC
- « Garden fence » and « Picket fence » tests.
- Output Factors
- The CK-MU software module which automates the Monitor Unit constancy, repeatability and linearity with MV images acquired with the imager CK-IMAGER
- The CK-GEOM software module which automates without film the AQA test and another test completing it, as well as the imaging center test with the "isocrystal"
- The CK-CONVERT software module which converts to DICOM format images, from the two onboarded kV imagers of the CYBERKNIFE
- The EPID-KV+ software module automatically analyses the images aquired with the two onboarded kV imagers in the context of their QC
Geometric distortions, signal uniformity, noise, spatial resolution, contrast, ...
- The DOSE-R software module converts into DICOM format and automatically analyses depth dose curves, profiles and OCR curves measured with a water tank, a matrix or a profiler
Finally, by complementing QUALIMAGIQ with QUALINAX, our total and paperless management platform for all your QA and maintenance tasks, you will have a solution to automate 100% of your QCs, which will guide you step by step during their performing and which will provide you with a centralised storage of all your QCs measurements and data.
CK-imager high-energy portable imager
A portable, electronic high performance imager for acquiring high-energy (MV) images of treatment beams used for the quality control of a CYBERKNIFE installation
Characteristics of the portable imager:
- Technology: flat panel
- Active surface: 1024 x 1024 pixels
- Pixel size: 0.2 mm
- Pixel depth (dynamic image): 16 bits
- Temporal resolution: up to 30 images per second
- Field of use: photon beam of a maximal surface of 200 x 200 mm² with an energy ranging from 20 keV to 15 MeV
Accessories supplied with the imager:
- AC/DC power supply
- AC power cord
- DC power cord: 7.6 m
- Ethernet cord for a computer (shielded RJ45) : 15 m
Accessories and test-objects supplied with the imager:
This cover protects the CK-IMAGER from shocks but it also protects its electronics from scattered radiations thanks to Tungsten alloy shielding.
This cover also makes it possible to install the CK-SLAB-FIBU and CK-SLAB-CUBE plates on the surface of the imager and it can be tilted by 35° with the CK-COVER-TILT accessory, which allows viewing on the same image the anterior beam and the lateral beam necessary for the “AQA” type test proposed ACCURAY.
This CK-SLAB-FIDU plate contains 5 fiducial markers allowing, on the one hand, to automate the positioning of the CYBERKNIFE machine in front of the CK-IMAGER, and on the other hand, to carry out a "Target > Fiducial markers" type test whose image is automatically analysed by the CK-GEOM module.
This CK-SLAB-CUBE plate makes it possible to maintain on the CK-IMAGER surface, the BALL-CUBE phantom provided by ACCURAY to perform the “AQA” type test, this test being automatically analysed by the CK-GEOM module.
This CK-COVER-DUMMY cover strictly reproduces the geometry of the CK-COVER-TRUE but it is entirely made of plastic materials which makes it possible to acquire CT-scanner images allowing to simulate on the ACCURAY TPS, the irradiation of the CK-IMAGER when it is locked in its CK-COVER-TRUE.
This CK-COVER-TILT system tilts the CK-COVER-DUMMY and CK-COVER-TRUE covers (and therefore the CK-IMAGER imager), which makes it possible to visualise on the same image, the anterior beam and the lateral beam used to carry out the “AQA” type test.
Set up examples of these ck-imager accessories with the accurayTM ball-cube Phantom:
Figure 1. Figure 2.
Figure 1:
The 3 accessories CK-COVER-TILT, CK-COVER-TRUE and CK-SLAB-CUBE associated with the BALL-CUBE phantom: This set is in place to visualise in a single image the 2 beams necessary for the test of the “AQA” type.
Figure 2:
Same configuration as in figure 1, but this time at the CT-scanner and with the CK-COVER-DUMMY accessory instead of the CK-COVER-TRUE, to simulate on the ACCURAYTM TPS the geometric conditions of irradiation of the “AQA” type test carried out with our CK-IMAGER.
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